Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Wednesday, 20th August 2014 - Day 9 but feeling very deflated.

I so need to do this now because I feel as I will lose the plot and therefore lose all of my hard work and let all the lovely people down who have been supporting me in the last 9 days.

It has been a journey, but then life is a journey whether you are drinking or not. For me, it is about trying to deal with situations as they come up in a rational manner.I used be to be great at that. I would be a mediator in high profile business meetings. I got to growl at the CEO's and put them back on "straight and narrow" and they took some things on board I never took crap and apparently I was "a force not  to piss off" (don't know if that is good either). If I saw one of them todaywe would both hide away and pretend that I did not exist.

Today was the first day of my middle child "practice exams" for NCEA level 1. I think I stressed her out more than she was already. It is like I can't help myself - I need to feel useful but then at what point do you become a liability (ok accountnat term but I know what it means)

It is only 1.45pm so "calm the farm : Cherie


  1. Keep going.You will truck through this Cherie.Your family love you and we will support you.xx

  2. Yes, just keep going. This is just a small hill to get over right now. Keep writing, we'll be here.

  3. Plow through this Cherie. No one said it would be easy. In a few months you'll be looking back amazed at what you accomplished through all the family drama. Life doesn't stop because we decide to get our shit together. I wish it did. I remember when I lost a baby and I seriously wondered why the stores were still playing happy music and why the sun had the nerve to shine. We can face all the crap in a more thoughtful, authentic way without the booze sticking it's destructive nose in. Keep up the good work and expect bad days and lots of them.

  4. It's really like that, right? Though, at least you have been keeping on. That's really the only thing you can do with, as far as fighting your past instincts is concerned. Will, drive and positivity. Those are the things that will keep you going on. All the best!

    Donnie Benson @ Midwest Institute for Addiction
