Sunday, 6 July 2014

Sunday 6th July 2014.

Well, I have got sick of the confusion and dumped Mary Davis and am now calling myself by my given name Cherie. So much easier.

It is 8.20pm and I have had a brilliant but very busy day in the kitchen. My mum came around for the first time in a couple of months for lunch. After, we had a bit of drama caused by myself and alcohol combined (never a good mix) it has been baby steps to try and repair the damage. We had a lovely family day with all my children at home as well. And dropped mum home mid-afternoon.

This surprised me as my middle child went to a party last night. I mentioned this yesterday and I must say I am so very relieved that she was sensible. Apparently, one of her 18+ friends did the alcohol run and got her a dozen of something. She said she had 6 or 7 (vodka mixed with something) and felt herself getting tipsy and decided to stop. I was so very proud of her. She left the remaining alcohol behind and actually went to one of her girlfriends place at around 1am. She was picked up by an adult sober driver - which was also a relief. The went and got some MacDonalds and went to sleep. She seemed perfectly fine when we picked her up at 11am so I have told her that I was very proud of her maturity. I was also thankful that the supervising adults were constantly bringing around nibbles. I think this is so important to teach them moderation - I am certainly not a good role model on that front.

Well, it is the school holidays and I never do that well in the school holidays but this time it is going to be great - Keep drumming that into my thick skull. I have plans for tomorrow to take my youngest child the the mall to buy some stuff for her room as she completely cleaned her room and it is spotless so she deserves a bit of a treat. The only thing she said is that she will not go anywhere with me if I have been drinking so that is hopefully enough incentive to not drink.

I don't know about others but, I have been having these horrible dreams and they are always about alcohol. Last night I woke up several times in a sweat  (could be menopause) wondering if I had been drinking. I knew I hadn't because it was Saturday and I never drink on Saturday - too many eyes watching me! The dream was very vivid though and although I can't remember exactly what it was about I remember that it was vivid.

The weather is supposed to be fine tomorrow so I need to be focused and very vigilant. Looks like I will be spending most of the time in my slippers except when out with kids. Proabably safer that way. I would very much like to go for a long walk but will need to be thoroughly inspected for cash or cards stashed in my clothes so I don't get the urge to be sneaky.

Mrs D mentioned in her last blog about the witching time. For me, if I can get passed 4.30pm in the afternoon I am normally ok as long as I don't make up an excuse to go and get something from the supermarket. After all, my husband is normally home by 5.30pm to 6pm these days so is more than capable and infact, willing, to do anything to stop me from going near the supermarket at that time of day because if I have made it that far during the day without a drink there is a good chance I will remain sober if I just stay at home. He always tries to get home at that time mostly to make sure that if I am under the influence the kids have something decent for dinner. Rather shocking really. He had made a big sacrifice because he is an executive and really expected to put in extra hours. I guess he does a lot of work at home in the evenings especially if I have been drinking and have put myself to bed at some ridiculous hour.

Anyway, that is all about my day today. Hope all you lovely people are well and sober tonight :)



  1. Good one. It sounds like you had a wonderful day. Family time is o precious. I managed to keep busy most of the day. Grandchildren arriving Tuesday, so got off my sorry arse and did some housework, made a big pot of soup, cleaned the fireplace then topped it off with 1/2 bottle wine in the evening. Buggar buggar buggar !! Work today then got to go to the supermarket :( to stock up for the kids.. Damn supermarkets selling wine !!! I keep telling myself my drinking habits are not toooo bad, but watch out when I'm on a binge = problem = alcohol is a problem for me. Slowly admitting it :)


  2. Hey Lilee, you are doing so well and I reall appreciate the personal email exchanges we are having becuase we are supporting each other. I wish I could drink 1/2 bottle of wine and stope but the reality is that once the wine i open the only place it is going, and going quickly, is down my throat! Have a gpod day girl xx Cherie

  3. Your brain will be freaking out at the fact you've stopped boozing hence the weird dreams. Just keep on keep on keep on with no booze and slowly it will get easier. It's not going to be easy.. but it will get easier.. you are doing so well! Am very proud of you.. everyone in your family is going to benefit. Go gently and do lots of lovely little things for yourself.. you are going great xxxx

  4. Had my first drinking dream last night. I actually found it a blessing because I was so happy when I woke up and realised that it was only a dream that it reinforced to me the fact that I do really really want to stay sober!
